Chairboys in the Cup Wanderers v Liverpool
FA Cup Semi-Final 2001
(Sunday 8th April 2001)

Click here to download your desktopstopdogs - Gutted - Mon Apr 9 13:01:36 2001
"I think the Liverpool fans deserve a pat on the back for staying and applauding our players after the game and for the friendly atmosphere between the two sets of supporters. That sea of blue at the Holte end must have looked awesome to those scousers. It definitely kept them quiet for most of the game."

Lacey - Wycombe Pride - Mon Apr 9 13:20:52 2001
"It was a fantastic, Fantastic day, Wycombe Wanderers FC verses Liverpool FC in the semi final of the FA Cup, just these words is enough to bring a smile to your face."

mr wycombe - once in a lifetime...- Mon Apr 9 18:29:44 2001
" will see your team, give it all, sweat blood, run until they drop and stand on the world stage and be given a standing ovation with the best in the world. yesterday was such a day. as long as I live I'll remember yesterday and all that the lads gave. I wore my Wycombe top today and people stopped me in the street to say well done - that's what Wycombe did yesterday, they were heroes and they brought us all together. utterly brilliant Wycombe, lets make sure we go up next season."

Click here to download your desktopsBlue Girl - Our Heroes- Mon Apr 9 19:36:41 2001
"In all the years I've supported Wycombe I've never been prouder to support the Blues. Yesterday at Villa Park was absolutely fantastic. The fans were amazing and it brought most supporters to tears to see our boys against the likes of Owen, Fowler, Heskey and co! The lads are heroes to all fans and Lawrie,Gibbo and all the backroom staff should be congratulated as well. Although we lost April 8th 2001 will long remain in the hearts of all Wanderers fans. Thanks lads for a brilliant day and remember that we are VERY PROUD OF YOU ALL."

Click here to download your desktopsLeeds Exile - Many thanks - Mon Apr 9 17:04:12 2001
"On Sunday, perhaps more than any other day, I was bloody proud to be a Wycombe supporter. Lots has been said about the team's performance and rightly so. They are all heroes. But what was also amazing was the support from the crowd. After Selhurst, I never thought I'd ever feel as emotional at a football match. I thought it couldn't get any better than that. But the enthusiasm and pure love shown by all yesterday was overwhelming for me.
Remember, players come and go. In years to come we'll have legendary teams, and we'll have awful teams. We may be in the Premiership, we may be back in the Conference. The only constant at a football club is it's supporters. How well the team is playing should not matter. WE are Wycombe Wanderers F.C. Whatever the team is doing, WE can attempt to win the Premier League of football supporters - and have some fun along the way.

Keep the faith."

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