(Saturday 12th August 2000)

BeeksMembers of Wycombe Wanderers Football Club Limited have been invited to attend an "informal meeting" on Thursday 31st August 2000 when the current Board of Directors have indicated that they will "outline the the current position in respect of the business and their thoughts to move forward"
The meeting will be used to inform members of the proposals to shake up the present constitution of the Club which prevents any major investment in the Club. Two years ago the Club attempted to change the constitution but this was overturned when the 400 plus members failed to give this the necessary majority in a ballot.
Chairboys on the Net understands that the search for a single major backer has failed and the current plan is to bring in three or four local representatives of local businesses to head a newly formed Board of Directors. Present Chairman Ivor Beeks may also head the new Board as the Club attempt to inject new ideas to generate improved cash flow into Adams Park.
The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday 16th October and if the proposed meeting in August gets favourable reaction then this could be coupled with an EGM to vote on the new proposals.

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