The gospel according to DC
Back in the dark ages of 4 BC (Before Carroll) the Wanderers were a drab tribe playing before congregations of less than half a thousand. Then it happened - the great second coming - brought to us via the route of holy Rusilip Manor for the fee of 6,000 sheckles and a couple of goats. The
messiah thrived on the slopes of the sacred park of
Loakes, performing miracles wherever he trod. Later under the charm of an Irish magical wizard he was given the ability to beat unlimited players before sending the spherical object to the back of the hanging gauze. The definitive marvel came in 6 AD (After Dave) when he conjured a spell upon the North End clan at the
Mecca with a couple of dome things. Wanderers fan were heard to say "Oh I say" as the orb was sent hurtling towards the snare. Much celebration ensued and liquid was taken on board in huge amounts - "We are not worthy" and "There's only one Davey Carroll" they sang.
Enough of this, give me some anorak info about the