TALES OF A CHAIRBOY - A brief history |
Tales of a Chairboy is the most eratic Wanderers fanzine. It first emerged in September 1998 and appeared fives times throughout the 1998/99 season. It then only surfaced a couple of times in the 1999/2000 season due to a severe bout of disillusionment from the Editor. A mad surge of enthusiasm followed with the plan to issue for every home First Team game for the 2000/2001 season. Roughly translated this meant bringing out four more issues before it went 'tits-up' again as the editor went off in a sulk (alegedly). Not even an FA Cup Semi-Final could bring the fanzine back the life!
To be honest this was a shame because Tales was written from the
heart and wasn't afraid to talk about the problems at Wycombe, with the
occasional laugh as well. True to form though, there was another issue in the Autumn of 2002 and this 'large format' edition is included in the updated issue guide to mark this historic occasion. We will play safe and say there are no plans for future issues even though someone, somewhere, might be writing new stuff as you read this. Back issues (1 to 12) are £1 each, postage is FREE (Cheques payable to D.Hurman) from the address on the Tales - homepage |